Roadside Assistance

All Day. Every Day.

Roadside assistance provided by the Insurer is available 24/7 almost anywhere in Australia.

Last thing you want is to be stranded because your car broke down. Our roadside assistance service providers will be there to help.

Roadside assistance provides access to the following services. Some services are provided on a fee for service arrangement (as noted below)

Please contact us to discuss a roadside assistance policy.

Flat Battery

Jump start motor vehicle.

Flat Tyre

Replace flat with spare.

Lock Outs

Access motor vehicle/replace key. (Specialist locksmith attendance may involve extra charge to driver).

Out Of Fuel

Supply minimum of 5 litres (unleaded) fuel to be paid for by driver. LPG/Diesel motor vehicles transport to fuel supply.

Towing - Breakdown

If your motor vehicle is unable to be repaired or driven, the motor vehicle and driver will be transported to a nominated mechanical repair facility. After hours arrangements can be made for storage then transport the next day. “Free of Charge” service for roadside response and breakdown towing applies. Excess kilometres charged at the recommended industry rates.

General Assistance

We will relay urgent messages to family, friends and business associates. We will also arrange for alternative transport in the case of a major breakdown or accident ie. Taxi (cost at drivers expense).

Excludes Trucks, heavy equipment and motor vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross, Motor vehicles that require specialist or heavy equipment for removal or are not within easy reach of a public road, Motor vehicles used for hire or reward, Motor vehicles operated by non-Australian residents and Unregistered motor vehicles.